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Please run these by a doctor but after working at GNC and Vitamin Shop I have learned about them and have been off my Adderall for almost 6 months and it's been the best thing ever. Try these supplements in addition to Carlson's Fish Oil best you can get I swear there is amphetamines in it.
See what works keep what you like if you are on Geodon, you cannot have rhodiola it will kill you so be cautious with the other supplement interactions ask a pharma at Edina 24 Hour Walgreens.
They have been out one year so you can do a test market to people who may have taken it do some navigation on the internet on feedback and see what you think this might just be the magical pill you have that cures brain fog, scattered ness, and forgetful times. The First one seems to be the best in my humble opinion. All the best this new year!
NooCube is a synergistic blend of nootropics which helps support and enhance your focus, mental speed and memory. Safely and effectively improve your cognitive functioning with this powerful blend of vitamins, amino acids and other essential building blocks for a healthy, well-functioning brain.
1. Enhance your cognitive function
2. Heighten your concentration and focus
3. Improve your memory and learning
+1 (207) 530 8152